There is a bigger story here which is much more generalizable beyond end of life decisions. As I have previously written about there is a bias for action which has developed within American health care . Its sources are multiple. There are financial incentives, no doubt but it goes way beyond finances. They reinforce tendencies which are preexisting and those biases are two fold. First, we worship the persistent and those who say never say die. Second, we tend to overestimate the likelihood that action will provide benefit and underestimate the tendency for interventions to cause mischief. Daniel Kahneman refers to these biases where we irrationally underestimate the risks of what is familiar and overestimate the risks of what is outside our common experience. In this case intervention is familiar and deferral of intervention is uncommon.
Ultimately the payment system has has evolved to reinforce these biases, providing handsome rewards for those whose default mode is to act much and think little. Communications to patients billed as educational outreach blend seamlessly into marketing efforts, exaggerating potential benefits and discounting harms. When faced with someone like Valerie Butler, who failed to be sucked into the action first mantra, there is disbelief followed by repeated efforts to sway her decision. Virtually everyone has come to hold the same belief system.
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