Two hundred years ago there were many practices and beliefs which were mainstream and strongly held which have now been jettisoned. The one that comes to mind is slavery of African Americans. Slavery was accepted for thousands of years and is likely still accepted in many parts of the world. However, over the span of approximately 200 years, the moral climate the western world rapidly evolved from one where slavery was an acceptable practice to one where it is universally deplored. Similarly, custom backed up by law was used for centuries to restrict the freedom and actions of people based upon their sex, religion, ethnic group, or status at birth. All of this was viewed as being perfectly acceptable within the cultures where it
occurred, until it was no longer viewed that way.
It can be viewed as something which is part of a broader set of events. The tendency for human cruelty, at least within public realms appears to have receded. Yes, I can still tune into broadcasts of ultimate fighting and fans still celebrate fights on the ice in hockey, but this sentiment gets less acceptance over time. Similarly, people and organizations which celebrate hate, violence, and intolerance now function primarily at the margins of our society. This trend is not something which is universal in the world. It is more the exception rather than the rule. Slavery still exists. Surprisingly, the world is purportedly less violent than at any other point in human history (Violence Ted Talk). However, it is till plenty violent. One can hope that the tendency toward less cruelty continues.
What are we doing now which we will look back on with with great remorse? In the medical world, our behavior in regards to informed consent as recently as 50 years ago was absolutely deplorable. I have written about the syphilis experiments at Tuskegee and Guatemala, studies which survived study section reviews. The medical community had great enthusiasm for eugenic thought (Cold Spring Harbor). We physicians perceived that since our intentions were good, we should be empowered to recommend and do almost anything without judgment. The explosion of information now available to the public regarding medical decisions and recommendations is disrupting this process and will shine lights on specific decisions and recommendations. Difficult questions will be raised and more than a little embarrassment will follow. Public trust will degrade even more and more time will be required to explain our recommendations. We will likely stop doing certain interventions, I am not sure what they might be.I perhaps am as blind as anyone. I will be surprised.
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